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ED-ICT 2000, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Education
  Zurück zum Index  Index  ECHT'92, ACM European Conference on Hypertext  3 / 31 ED-MEDIA/TELECOM 98, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & Educational Telecommunications

 ED-ICT 2000, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Education

 Datum 2000-12-07 (2000-12-09)
 Ort Vienna
 Organisator Austrian Computer Society
 Land Österreich

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
E-Learning has to be seen as part of Knowledge Mangement Maurer Hermann 2000-12-08

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Sitemap Sitemap (2001-06-07 11:32:16)   spacer