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ICCE'98, International Conference on Computers in Education
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 ICCE'98, International Conference on Computers in Education

 Datum 1998-10-14 (1998-10-16)
 Ort Beijing
 Land China

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
A critical evaluation of efforts in Web Based Training (invited talk) Maurer Hermann 1998-10-16
The need and use of second generation Web technology (tutorial) Maurer Hermann 1998-10-14

Liste der Publikationen  

Publikation Autor
A critical look at current Web Based Training effort Maurer Hermann
Dynamic Background Libraries as an Improved Way for Web-Based Learning using HIKS (Hierarchical Interactive Knowledge System) Dietinger Thomas
Gütl Christian
Knögler Bernhard
Neussl Dietmar
Schmaranz Klaus Gunter
Improved Way for Web-Based Learning using HIKS Gütl Christian

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