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ICCE/ICCAI 2000, International Conference on Computers in Education / International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction
  Zurück zum Index  Index  ICCAL'92, 4th International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning  8 / 47 ICCE'95, International Conference on Computers in Education

 ICCE/ICCAI 2000, International Conference on Computers in Education / International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction

 Datum 2000-11-21 (2000-11-24)
 Ort National Tsing Hua University
 Organisator Asia-Pacific Chapter of AACE
 Land Taiwan

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
Constructivist use of IT in eduation: Has it made a real difference? Maurer Hermann 2000-11-24
Web Based Training: What do we expect from the system Maurer Hermann 2000-11-24
What we should expect from WBT and how WBT is just part of Knowledge Management Maurer Hermann 2000-11-21

Liste der Publikationen  

Publikation Autor
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Education Maurer Hermann
Web Based Training: What do we expect from the system Helic Denis
Maurer Hermann
Scerbakov Nikolai
What we should expect from WBT and how WBT is just part of Knowledge Mangement Maurer Hermann

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