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SOFSEM'95, XXII International Winter School on Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Computer Science
  Zurück zum Index  Index  Seventh European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research  13 / 27 SoftStat'95, Advances in Statistical Software

 SOFSEM'95, XXII International Winter School on Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Computer Science

 Datum 1995-11-25 (1995-12-02)
 Ort Milovy, Hotel 9 skal
 Organisator Czech and Slovak Societies for Computer Science and Czech ACM Chapter
 Land Tschechische Republik

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
New aspects of networked multimedia systems Maurer Hermann 1995-11-26

Liste der Publikationen  

Publikation Autor
On some New Aspects of Networked Multimedia Systems Maurer Hermann

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