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Symposium und Feier des 10-jährigen Bestehens des IIG Graz
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 Symposium and Celebration 10 years IIG Graz

 Datum 1988-06-16 (1988-06-17)
 Ort Graz
 Organisator Institute für Informationsverarbeitung der TU Graz und der OCG
 Land Österreich

Liste der Vorträge  

Vortrag Vortragender Am
An Optimal Algorithm for Inersecting Line Segments Edelsbrunner Herbert 1988-06-17
Future videotex and Telecommunication Standards Sebestyen Istvan 1988-06-16
Graph Grammars Rozenberg Grcegorcz 1988-06-17
Image Enhancements Techniques in Digital Image Processing: Problems and Solutions Domik Gitta 1988-06-17
L Codes: Variations on a Theme by MSW Salomaa Arto 1988-06-17
Metamouse Witten Ian 1988-06-17
Modular Tree Transducers with High Level Parameters Vogler Heiko 1988-06-17
On Counting Points in Half-Planes Welzl Emo 1988-06-17
On Invertible Cellular Automata Culik II Karel 1988-06-17
Security in Message Handling Systems Jaburek Walter 1988-06-16
Videotex in Poland Papst A. 1988-06-16
Voronoi Diagrams with Obstacles (and Going Underground) Seidel Raimund 1988-06-17

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