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Best of IIG News A Typical Working Day  
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Best of IIG News A Typical Working Day

In February 1985 the IIG-News was edited with a word processor for the first time. Fritz Huber, seizing the opportunity of finally having an article published, produced a smash contribution for the same edition:

A Typical Working Day

Morning: Got to the office at 8.30. After trying to get into the right state of mind to arm myself against whatever blows fate may allot me today, I decide to water the flowers. Hartwig isn't in yet, so I better wait for him. Finally I'm in the mood for doing something and I switch on the MUPID. Suddenly Max comes in and insists on exchanging the decoder-eproms. Never stop a workaholic! After he has finished, it occurrs to me that I need the latest CP/M-version. Unfortunately, on my way to get it, I come across a new game in the videotex - and who can resist a go? So I almost forget the time, but I still manage to program 12 lines in BASIC. 12 lines per person per day is about 20% above the international limit - a good reason to go to lunch with the happy feeling of getting somewhere...

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